Veritable Chili Con Carne

Veritable Chili Con Carne. Season with paprika, chili powder, cayenne pepper, basil, oregano, and parsley. Join In Now Join the conversation!

Le meilleur chili con carne - Elle Mijote Quelque Chose
Le meilleur chili con carne - Elle Mijote Quelque Chose (Marie Atkins)
Add red and green peppers and the minced garlic. Add the tomatoes and their liquid and all of the seasonings. Add the mince and cook until it is browned on the outside.

Season with paprika, chili powder, cayenne pepper, basil, oregano, and parsley.

La consommation la plus traditionnelle se fait avec du riz blanc bouilli.

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In a large, deep, Dutch oven, saute the onion and garlic in the oil until softened. Pour this into the pan with the mince mixture. Sprinkle over the flour and stir well.

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Grinstead David

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